45 Points Wins Greenall Cup

The Greenall Cup  took place on Saturday. The Better ball stableford format competition winDSCN1898ners Gary Kitchen and Matt Catton scored a superb 45 points beating runners up Tom Smith and Roger Alexander’s 42 points by 3 shots. In third place were Adrian Stokes, in the placings for the second time this week, and Dave Bailey with a score of 41 points. Click Here for Scoresheet

Dave Bailey was also scored 2 two’s winning nearly half of the two’s sweep as only 5 were shot on the day. John Harvey, Mike Catlin and Matt Catton got the other 3.

Vic Wins RWS Top Points in Midweek Comp – Read below

The Gents Midweek Stableford was won by Vic Sproul with a net 67 one shot clear of second placed Adrian Stokes’ net 68. Jon Cliffe came third with a net 71. Sam Pollard scored the best gross 76. Only two two’s on the day by George Boddy and Rob Smith. Scoresheet Here

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