Autumn Trophy Winners 2019/2020

Despite the continued inclement weather, there was a good turnout on Sunday 15th March for the final round of the Autumn Trophy.  It was cold and wet, but that did not dampen the spirit of any of the competitors in any way.  The conditions were going to test any golfer,…

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COVID-19 Update

Dear Member, Firstly, we hope you and your family are all well and coping with the current challenging times. As a committee we are holding regular meetings to determine the best way to mitigate the risk that COVID-19 creates for our staff, members, visitors and Club. We are of course…

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January/February 2020 Newsletter

Despite the storms and wet weather, some small windows of opportunity have opened for the intrepid golfer and, believe it or not, competitions have been played. The Clubhouse has seen plenty of activity too with the Captains’ Drive-In, an entertaining Burns’ Night and a superb Valentine’s Night. Read on for…

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Monday Mingles 02 March

The Monday Morning Minglers are back on track and out this morning for a nine hole round. The course has held up surprisingly well although there are inevitably boggy areas to avoid. The winners yet again, showing good form in the winter conditions, were George Schmidt and Pat Barnes with…

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Lady Vice Captain receives her badge

Since Margaret Samways was away for the Drive In in January, it was decided to present her with the Lady Vice Captain’s silver fox brooch at the next available ladies’ meeting. This took place on Wednesday 26th March and she is looking forward to supporting Lady Captain Jackie Fisher throughout…

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New MMGC Flag and Road Signage

Despite the poor weather, hopefully you may have noticed the improvements to the roadside appearance of the Club.  There are new outside banners on the A607 with upcoming social events. As you drive in from the road, there are new ‘Welcome to Melton Mowbray Golf Club’ signs and a ‘Safe…

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Sunday 26th January MMGC Captain’s Drive-In

Gerry Stephens and Nancy Denny, the Melton Mowbray Golf Club outgoing Captains for 2019, handed over the reins to the new Captains John Harvey and Jackie Fisher on Sunday 26th January. The day started with the  customary meet and greet, followed by both incoming Captains going to the first tee…

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28th January Monday Morning Mingles 

Following more cold and inclement weather over the weekend, there was was a reduction in competitors for the Mingles competition. However, for those that turned out it was a very close thing with only point 4 separating the first 3 places. 1st Mike and Gill Hoggan with net 37.2. 2nd…

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