Classic Car Rally at Melton Golf Club 19th June

The Club’s Annual Stilton Classic Car Rally, held on Wednesday 19th June, was again a great success, with an excellent array of vehicles, both bikes and cars, dating from the early 30s to the current day. Every exhibitor received a complimentary piece of Stilton Cheese kindly provided again by our sponsor Colston Bassett & District Dairy Ltd who have sponsored this event since it started. Earlier throughout the day it rained and the organisers were concerned that the turnout would be poor.  However the sun came out in the late afternoon and all the smiles were back on their faces.

Such was the support on the evening, the catering staff had to purchase more food for the well received BBQ to cope with the numbers on the night. Overall, the tombola raised around £175 for the Captains’ Charity, East Midlands Immediate Care Scheme (EMICS), and additional income was raised for the club through the BBQ and bar sales.

Thank you to everyone involved in making this event a great success and we hope to see you again next year.

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