John Webb spins it out to win the Abbotts Trophy

On Saturday 20th July, 97 players turned out to contest the monthly medal and Abbots Senior Trophy on a day which turned out to be bright and breezy with the occasional squall.  Overall winner on the day was Jonathan Wade with an excellent nett 67.  The results were:
Division 1: 1st Stephen Draisey nett 68: 2nd George Boddy nett 69
Division 2: 1st John Webb nett 68:  2nd Mick Cavani nett 69
Division 3: 1st Simon Snow nett 72 ocb:  2nd Luke Snow nett 72
Best gross of the day was Sam Pollard with 72 and the twos sweep was shared by Mick Cavani, Phil Meade, Russell Freeman, Steve Wright, Brendan Boyce, Mezz Watchorn and Steve Draisey.
Overall winner of the Senior Abbotts trophy which is awarded to players over 55 went to John Webb on count back from Stephen Draisey.

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