Ladies News

With 15 ladies away at Whittlebury Hall a small field of ladies played the Wednedsay Stableford. Winner, Diane Orson scored 34 points just beating runner up Janet Bentley’s 33 points. Cheryl Osborne was third with 30.

Ladies Whittlebury PArkLadies playing in the Lady Captain’s Away Days at Whittlebury Hall had a great time and good luck with the weather with only a couple of showers in total.  Lady Captain, Karen had decided on fun formats for the 3 days in teams of 3. The outstanding player of the week was Jos Habershon-Butcher who was in the winning team on all 3 days, causing much friendly banter amongst the ladies!

Day 1 format was one to count on the first 6 holes, 2 to count on the 2nd 6 and all 3 to count on the last 6. The Lady Captain’s team  of Karen, Elaine Shelton and Jos Habershon-Butcher won and all received a bottle of Champagne for their efforts

Day 2 format was two from 3 to count on each hole. Again Jos was in the winning team with Yvette Joyce and Denise Waldron and won another bottle of champagne. Day 3 was a Texas scramble the top team comprising Leah Radford, Maureen Stapleford and Jos Habershon-Butcherwho took home 3 bottles of champagne! Everyone enjoyed the 3 days, with lots of laughter both on the course and in the evenings. The Whittelbury courses were challenging but very enjoyable although lots of golf balls were lost in the lakes and ponds!


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