Lady President’s Day Mad Hatter Tribute

Drina Terzza’s Lady Presidents day theme was a celebration of the 150th year of the Mad Hatter.
Her stunningly beautiful prize table had delicate flower arrangements in bone china tea cups, and a tea pot with adorned with various miniature hats with vouchers for cream teas or visits to the cinema with them. The theme carried on in the halfway house with tea and cake and ice fruit and ice cream on offer as refreshment to the ladies who thoroughly enjoyed themselves.Lady presidents Table Full

The stableford format went down well with some ladies happier than with their scores.
Overall Winner Cheryl Osborne won with a super 38 points continuing her recent good form 3 points clear of the rest of the field and winning her third piece of silverware this year. Lady Presidents Day Scoresheet

Drina was thrilled when Lady Captain, Karen Middleton won division one on count back from runner pu Diane Orson on 34 points. Sue Bennett’s 30 points won division 2 one point better than second placed Barbara Hamston with 29 points The Past Lady presidents prize went to Pam Parker and Joyce McLaren was first in the nine hole competition returning with 12 points. Jeanette Hollands 29 putts won her the putting competition The day finished with a buffet meal and prize presentation.

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