APART FROM THE ODD SHOWER the weather stayed fine and Pro’s Day was a great success. The winner, with 41 points, was Oliver Duley with 2nd and 3rd places with 39 points going to richard South and Mark Gamble. Category 1 winner was John Burgess with 38 points, Bob Luke in Category 2 with 33 points and Roy Aldred won Category 3 with 37 points LR. Julia Brown scored 39 points in the Ladies and George Boddy had 36 points in the Juniors. Last, but not least, our most Patriotic Winner, with a union jack painted face and England wig, was Neil Eaves.
Note from Dan to the two’s winners, the following have an envelope waiting for them in the shop with their winnings – G Baxter : D Poolan : L White : R Aldred : R South x 2 :
C Jones x 2 : C Radford : B Luke : D Pick : J Burgess : S Palmer : I Stockdale : V Cooper :
G Boddy : J Mogg : C Carmichael : D Thornton : N Eaves : M Cavani : M Pedge : K Rate :
R Tomley : T Mortimer : B Blake : E Shelton : J Brown : A Fairbrother.