Sue Hitchman Clinches Ladies Championship Title

IMG_090410 ladies embarked on the 36 hole challenge of the MMGC ladies’ Club Championship competition on Sunday 28th June. Played in mixed weather conditions returning member Sue Hitchman clinched the title for the 4th time and 10 years on since her last victory. Sue shot a gross 94 in the morning followed by a gross 91 in the afternoon to total 185 and finish 7 shots ahead of Yvette in 2nd place with a 192 total (76 in the morning and 72 in the afternoon). ‘Drina won the best nett prize with a 153 total (72 in the morning, and 81 in the afternoon) 1 shot ahead of Cheryl with a total 154 (81 in the morning and 73 in the afternoon). Well done Ladies!! Championship Gross Scoresheet  Championship Nett Scoresheet

Four ladies were in the running for the Jol Calder Salver all finishing within 2 points of each other but the recent good form of Drina Terzza came out on top winning her the trophy with a net 71 just beating runner up Jane Berry’s net 72. Liz Clark and Chris Cook both carded net 73. Scoresheet Here

Dorothy Jaggers continues to play well when she was one of three ladies in July’s Wednesday medal 3 way tie. Bettyne Norton, Jean Moulds and Dorothy Jaggers all vied for Overall Winner  Jean Moulds winning the Overall and Division One Medal. Bettyne won division 2 knocking Dorothy into second spot on count back. Medal Scoresheet  It was lovely to see Sue Stimson’s super 15 points win the 9 Hole Qualifier and to be closely followed by runner up Sally Hudson with 14 points, both long standing members of the golf club. Scoresheet 


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