Superb Away Break for the Ladies at Horsley Lodge

Eighteen ladies signed up for the Away Break at Horsley Lodge, Derbyshire on Sunday 8th and Monday 9th September and the venue turned out to be an inspired choice.   From the very first moment, the Ladies were superbly well looked after and nothing was too much trouble. The welcome, ambiance and scenery were delightful and the icing on the cake was the use of a private conservatory and garden for pre-dinner drinks on Sunday evening.

Sunday afternoon saw wonderful sunshine and a great day’s play for everyone.  The format was a 3 ball competition with 2 scores to count and all 3 on the Par 3s. The winning team with 71 points were Jean Moulds, Liz Clark and Sally Hudson.  Nearest the pin on the uphill 3rd was Avis Webb and longest drive on the 10th was ‘Drina Terzza. 

Unfortunately, Monday decide to wreak a little revenge as the day started very drizzly and this continued for much of the morning.  However, everyone donned their waterproofs and with umbrellas up took part in an individual competition, keen to replay some of the holes from the day before.  The weather put paid to any high scoring, but all top three players came in with 31.  In first place was Jean Moulds, 2nd was Liz Snow and 3rd Dee Hughes.  Nearest the pin on the impressive over-the-water 12th was Jane Berry (on her birthday too!)

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