In May of this year, MMGC signed up to the England Golf Women in Golf Charter, the aim being to encourage more women to take up the sport. An additional national initiative is run by England Golf who support an annual golf academy sponsored by Slingsby Gin and this year the four celebrities taking part were Zara Tindall, Judy Murray, Dr Zoe Williams and Anna Woolhouse. Each were given 6 months of golf coaching.

As you may know, we have our own local gin distillers ‘Brentingby Gin’ in Melton so MMGC were delighted when they agreed to link up with us as a sponsor for our own Ladies into Golf academy. Sixteen ladies have regularly attended our Wednesday evening coaching and social sessions since the beginning of May and on Wednesday August 31st the ladies took part in their first 6 hole competition.

Everyone enjoyed putting their skills into practice on the course. Afterwards, everyone received a ‘goody bag’ which included a miniature bottle of Brentingby Gin and enjoyed chatting through the highs and lows of their game whilst enjoying snacks and a G&T in the golf club house.
Some ladies have signed up to our Next Steps programme and are keen to continue with their coaching. We aim to continue our link to those who have enjoyed this experience by organising small competitions throughout the winter and, hopefully, we can start the programme again for a new group of ladies next spring.