Well, what a day fabulous we had; the sun shone brightly, 32 ladies came in their summer attire, played golf, even though I did make you play a hole with wooden clubs, and most of all we had fun……Our club has such lovely ladies; we are very lucky, you all embraced the Lady Captains challenge and I hope you all got as much out of the day as I did – it was great to see all your smiling faces.
Thanks to everyone who showered me with the loveliest gifts and cards. I really did appreciate them – looks like I will now require a wine cellar…….
I hope you enjoyed the format, a light-hearted singles stableford, with a twist along the way. Thanks to Chris Cook who shared her format from her Lady Captain’s day; the format allowed for more players to receive prizes, which I thought was a great way to include as many winners as we could during the day … 11 Prize winners in total.
Lady Captains Day Winners:
Overall 18 Hole Winner – Liz Snow 38 Points
Overall 9 Hole Winner – Sue Stimson 18 Points
Group Winners:
Sun Group
1st Prize – Megan Grimwood 35 Points
2nd Prize – Jean Moulds 32 Points
Beach Group
1st Prize – Liz Clark 35 Points
2nd Prize – Kathie Finn 31 Points
Sea Group
1st Prize – Bettyne Norton 33 Points
2nd Prize – Avis Webb 32 Points
4 Corners Winner – Sue Hitchman 8 Points
Lady Captains Hidden Hole Winners
18 Hole – Margaret Smale 8 Points
9 Hole – Joan Allen 5 Points
I would also like to thank all my helpers on the day, as without them, I would not have had such a perfect day:
Starter – Gordon Hughes
Card Checker – Owen Cook
Half Way House Hosts – Mike Hoggan & John Squires
7th Tee Hosts – Clive Watts – Club Captain & Jackie Watts
Club House Makeover Helper – Jan Brookes
Photography – Jan Brookes
I have attached the winner’s photos from the day, which will be also put up in the ladies’ locker room, along with more photos that were taken during the day.
Thanks a million, to everyone:
Dee Hughes – One Proud Lady Captain